I need to sort out my finances

Sorry this is not the goal for the blog, it’s just where I can write, break things down and really think. I have subscriptions coming out of my account which I don’t even know what it’s for.

I have made £11,000 this year and I only have around £100 in savings, mostly from wreckless spending, alcohol and being forced to pay off close friends debts they got gambling with loan sharks.

This blog cost around £4.85 a month in total. I then other costs totalling to £563.85 a month on a £1400 paycheck leaving me with around £871 left over.

So if I throw £100 in commodities, £100 into ETFs, £550 into high interest savings that will leave me with £95.85 left over to do what I like whilst saving £750.

I should be fine as long as I don’t waste it on wrecklessness, drugs and alcohol.

I want to buy a new laptop as this one is old and very slow, but I think it’ll have to wait, i’m going to throw Zorin OS on it and hope it speeds up.

I’m no longer investing in crypto

After years of investing in crypto currencies I have finally decided to pull the operation, with so many scams, pulls, scary fluctuating prices, it’s not worth it anymore, I think i’d be better of playing roulette at an online casino.

Instead I will be investing in commodities such as Gold & Silver, because it’s safer, it helps protect me against inflation and it’s a garaunteed rise in price. I will also be investing in ETFs and putting my money into a high interest savings account.

I think my generation is doomed, advertisements are everywhere especially for gambling websites, we don’t have much impulse control, cloud subscriptions drain your bank account, and just have general poor money management skills.

Purchasing a home is hard as a 20 year old, solicitors take their time, your trapped in a morgage on a property that cost £120,000 less 20 years ago, you need a guarantor, no wonder most are renting, I don’t think theres anything wrong with renting when you consider the costs.


What happened to MP3 Players?

I think MP3 players are a good investment, you can add whatever songs and podcasts you want for free, you can play them with the screen off for free, they don’t drain your phone battery or storage and you can pick them up for $17.

10 years ago everyone had an MP3 player, they were everywhere, and some of my most fun memories was pirating the latest song heh, a one time purchase, one thing you didn’t have though was the music recommendations, and the convience of being able to listen to any song at any time without having to hook it up to a computer and transferring files.

The high end MP3 players today run android, very thick and run off subscription services, I do wonder what’s the point in them, just use your phone. The cheap MP3 players are low quality and aren’t great. If we could have something like the ipod nano 5 with open source firmware and a replaceable battery, yeah! that woud be the perfect mp3 player in my opinion, small, slim, quality.

I wish this wasn’t on latest posts

Hopefully it won’t be on the main page for too long, I don’t know what this post really or what it means, yet again my best friend replaced me with some random person within 5 minutes of meeting them, maybe I get jealous idk, it just seems like everyone in my life uses me and fucks me off the minute they find someone else, most of the time they come back like it didn’t mean anything.

Maybe that’s a selfish way of thinking, i’m tired but ugh I fuck every friendship and relationship up in the end, through my wrecklessness, or just I change, i’ve been like that for 16 years and it just hurts, because it makes me paranoid of meeting new people and when I do make friends, relationships it makes me even worse.

It’s like i’ve had so many opportunites in life, so many yet I have thrown every single one of them away, and I have no idea where my life is heading, stable one minute, then it’s fucked.

Maybe it’s punishment by the will of God for my sins.


London, by Wiliam Blake

I wander thro’ each charter’d street,

Near where the charter’d Thames does flow. 

And mark in every face I meet

Marks of weakness, marks of woe.

In every cry of every Man,

In every Infants cry of fear,

In every voice: in every ban,

The mind-forg’d manacles I hear 

How the Chimney-sweepers cry

Every blackning Church appalls, 

And the hapless Soldiers sigh

Runs in blood down Palace walls 

But most thro’ midnight streets I hear

How the youthful Harlots curse

Blasts the new-born Infants tear 

And blights with plagues the Marriage hearse 

Iphone 16 💀😭

I purchased an iphone 16, what went wrong? just after the return policy, the UK demanded that apple inserts a backdoor into icloud, apple refused and has stopped encrypted our backups, that’s another thing, IOS is so locked down, when i’m in europe I can download apps and work the phone without an icloud account, but in the UK I cannot.

I also found that a 60hz display on a $899 smartphone is unacceptable and the camera is just bad, no other words to really describe it, I get a lot better photos from my Motorola and Pixel 3a. To be fair to apple though I did like the camera zoom slider and the battery life was great! but considering my country is starting to become like the country they criticize for lack of free speech, censorship and surveillance they sure do want to be like them.

So I have got rid of the iphone and went back to my pixel 3a, which still runs well and can download apps and use it thoroughly without making an account.

Barry (2018)

Barry is a TV series about an ex military soilder turned hitman who needs a purpose in life, and when he finds acting he want’s to give up killing people, it’s comedic until the last few episodes where it really makes you think about what we do in this world for money, and for me it does make me think if I was to die right now, would God forgive me for my sins? all the stuff i’ve done in the past? would I be in heaven or burning in hell forever… of because the choices I made in this temporary life for temporary pleasure.

He became somewhat happy, a religious man, raising his child on good ethics and moral standpoint even if it was extreme and unfair with a slightly unstable wife, and they threw it all away for desire.

I never really used to care about peoples deaths, I cared a lot more about animals then humans, but then I think if my child was murdered all the memories, all the hardship, all the challenges, and years wasted and for what? nothing?, how many times does this happen every single day, peoples deaths over drugs, war and crime.

Good TV series but shame about the ending lol

ARRR! i’m a pirate 🏴‍☠️

Subscriptions now destroy our finances, the pay once and keep it forever ideology has gone out the window. With subscription services charging more money, dumping ads on the platform and lower quality can you really blame someone for pirating a movie or tv show?

At least I can download it, view it anytime I like without ads, without a monthly subscription. I’m not a monster if I really like a film or tv series I will purchase the DVD but it makes sense that spending $45+ a month on some entertainment is ridicolous and unsustainable.

I am not promoting piracy, but it does make you wonder how much we’re being fucked in the ass, don’t forget the $10 subscription to your doorbell or the monthly subscription to turn on the already installed heated seats in your BMW.