I’m no longer investing in crypto

After years of investing in crypto currencies I have finally decided to pull the operation, with so many scams, pulls, scary fluctuating prices, it’s not worth it anymore, I think i’d be better of playing roulette at an online casino.

Instead I will be investing in commodities such as Gold & Silver, because it’s safer, it helps protect me against inflation and it’s a garaunteed rise in price. I will also be investing in ETFs and putting my money into a high interest savings account.

I think my generation is doomed, advertisements are everywhere especially for gambling websites, we don’t have much impulse control, cloud subscriptions drain your bank account, and just have general poor money management skills.

Purchasing a home is hard as a 20 year old, solicitors take their time, your trapped in a morgage on a property that cost £120,000 less 20 years ago, you need a guarantor, no wonder most are renting, I don’t think theres anything wrong with renting when you consider the costs.
